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Happi pre-orders are now CLOSED! Thank you all! 🎉

A Japanese version of this website is now available! #

December 7, 2024·Posted by Huzz

Hey omaeras. Just a small announcement that the website is now available in Japanese! If you would like to switch languages, please use the language switcher at the bottom of the page:

Language Switcher

Project website is now open! #

November 24, 2024·Posted by Huzz

Hey omaeras. We're proud to announce that this website, will be going public today! Here you can find the most up-to-date information on the progress of project, the latest designs, and a way to contact us.

While we will be pushing future project updates on this website in the future, we will also be using both Twitter and Discord as our main channels of communication, so make sure you're following us on the following:

We have also published some information regarding international shipping on the FAQ page! Please take a look if you are curious about the cost and the timeframe around the shipment of the happi.

Our chibi illustrator has been finalized! #

November 16, 2024·Posted by Huzz

Hey omaeras. We're very happy to announce that we will be working with Sakana(魚先生) for the chibi illustrations on the happi! They draw a lot of Kanade fan art, and have such a recognizable and cute chibi art style, that we felt it was only appropriate to include them as part of our project.

Check out their Twitter page @saka11205!

First draft design released! #

November 14, 2024·Posted by Huzz

Hey omaeras. We're pleased to present our initial (very rough) draft design of our happi! Please note that the design may be altered significantly throughout the project. The illustrations shown are also concept sketches.

We're also very pleased to announce that our main illustrator will be Maru!

Check out their Twitter page @Maru_ccy!

Draft Design 1
  • The logo is still a placeholder. We will update it with a better one in due time.
  • The ReGLOSS chibis are a concept and are strictly placeholders. We will update it with original illustrations in due time.
  • All design elements are not final. We will be iterating upon the current design.

The first interest check is now open! #

November 14, 2024·Posted by Huzz

Hey omaeras. We've released the first interest check form for the Otonose Kanade 6th fes. Fan Happi Project!

Fill it out here!

This interest check is crucial for us to gauge public interest regarding the happi project. We will be using this data to roughly estimate:

  • The pricing of each happi, as the production cost gets lower the more happis are produced
  • How we handle the distribution of happis by understanding where orders will be coming from

If you have any questions, feel free to include it with your interest check form entry, or contact us here!

Interest Check 1

The Otonose Kanade 6th fes. Fan Happi Project is officially under way! #

November 11, 2024·Posted by Huzz

Hey omaeras!

We are a group of (you guessed it) omaeras who will be bringing a happi centered around our yellow chimkin, Otonose Kanade, to you!

We aim to have the project completed and shipped out by Early-February 2025, hopefully reaching all omaeras worldwide in-time for hololive's 6th fes. (March 8th & 9th, 2025). Throughout the project we will be conducting various interest checks before opening orders to ensure we set a fair price for everyone.

Since we operate a non-profit project, the pricing of each happi will strictly be its production cost. We will try to be as transparent as possible about the pricing when the order period rolls around.

We will also periodically update the design of the happi. Updates regarding the project will be posted on various channels including this website, so make sure you're following us on the following channels:

This project is not affiliated with Cover Corp. or hololive productions.